

  • index+home page by teppyslayouts.
  • universes and random diary pages by repth.
  • images, etc.

  • ilustrations found on the sekais within the sekai are by Arthur Rackham and Charles Robinson.
  • amu render png by mayome on deviantart
  • buttons, stamps, blinkies, gifies, etc etc etc.

  • viktor gif by purrblind on picmix
  • prideflags and little hearts by my-world-is-split on deviantart
  • 'gatinha comunista' blinkie made on
  • listen i. don't know where i got all them, so i'll just link everything i have saved in my markers.

  • pixelbank
  • jaypixels
  • swirl
  • homuhoard
  • petrapixel
  • whimsical
  • if i missed anyone it's probably somewhere linked in one of these pages!